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Tech12: Map of the World of Climate Technologies in Israel (in Hebrew)

מיזם חדש מיפה את חדשנות הקלינטק והקליימק בישראל ומצא 110 חברות הפועלות בתחום האנרגיה הירוקה. מנהלות הפרויקט רומזות לריבוי גרין-ווש ומחסור בעשייה וקוראות להגברת המעורבות הממשלתית "כפי שעשתה המדינה בתחומי הסייבר והבינה המלאכותית"

Mile Articles

Navigating the Road Ahead: Challenges for Israel in Becoming a Significant ClimateTech Player - Internally- An Investor's Perspective

In this blog post, we delve into the unique challenges that Israel may encounter on its path to becoming a prominent ClimateTech hub. Join us as we explore these obstacles and discuss potential strategies to overcome them.

Mile Articles

Unlocking Potential: The Significance of Strategic Investors for ClimateTech Startups - A Risk-Averse Investor's Perspective

We delve into the benefits and value that such partnerships can provide, aligning the goals of risk-averse investors with the ambitious mission of combating climate change.

Mile Articles

Navigating Barriers: Challenges for International Startups in the US Market

In this blog post, we will explore some of the significant barriers that foreign companies encounter when venturing into the highly competitive and complex landscape of the United States market.

Mile Articles

Navigating the Challenges of Renewables for US Infrastructure: Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future

Transitioning to renewable energy poses unique challenges for the infrastructure in the US. In this blog, we explore the key hurdles that the US faces and discuss potential solutions to ensure a smooth and sustainable transition.

Mile Articles

Dispelling Common Misconceptions: The Urgent Need for Fusion Energy and Investment Opportunities

In this blog post, we aim to dispel the most common misconceptions about fusion while highlighting the compelling reasons why the world needs fusion energy and why investors should consider it as an attractive investment opportunity.