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Mile Articles

New Research from Mile Advisory Pinpoints Israel’s Trillion Dollar Decarbonization Tech Opportunity

Innovation has long been the driving force behind the Israeli economy, yet its role in shaping global decarbonization efforts remains a largely unexplored frontier.

Mile Articles

Did ChatGPT write the new Israeli Climate Law?

In its current form, Israel's climate law, does more harm than good. It provides the government with a platform to declare lofty emission targets while allowing them to skirt meaningful action.

Mile Articles

Summer Camp: Climate Change Edition

How will summer camp change due to climate change, increased heat, sporadic and intense rain and still manage to keep kids outside and in nature during the warm summer months?

Mile Articles

The Urgency of Cooling: A Shift in Climate Priorities

Energy demand is increasing, and so are temperatures, we are in the era of innovations and solutions to cool down, everything. India's heavy dependence on coal exacerbates the threat posed by rising heat and demand cooling innovations.

Mile Articles

It takes a village - Accountability and Cooperation in Oslovian Environmental Policy

Named the European Green Capital of 2019, Oslo has embraced the spotlight that comes with this title and is taking its responsibility as ambassador for sustainable and urban development very seriously.


Calcalist: Climate investment is relatively stable, but not meeting targets (in Hebrew)

הכספים ממשיכים לזרום לפתרונות אקלים, אבל לא לסטארט־אפים בתחום שסובלים מיובש במזומנים - כך קובעת PwC בדו"ח חדש. ההשקעה העולמית באקלים קטנה בחצי מהדרוש ליעד של 2050: אפס פליטה נטו